That was it. The last "t" crossed and "I" dotted and I'm glad of it. Short break ahead and I'm itching for a road trip with winding green roads and blue sky.
Frogged Branching out again. For once it would be nice to get through something sans frogging. I tried to tick my way out but, as this was my first lace project, it was a bit hard.
On the bright side....The yarn looked like coiled curling ribbon...Oh yeah, that's not necessarily a good
I think I'll take the night off and knit tomorrow.
Mantra...I will knit 5 repeats, I will knit 5 repeats, I will...blah, blah, blah.
PS...Have you seen the new KnitPicks cotton yarns? I want some! I have an order in my head that will have to wait a few weeks as I decide what I want to do with them. Maybe a few baby kimonos, a jumper for my niece and another for my might-as-well-be-my niece. Nephew will get a bright red cotton/wool sweater with his favorite logo du-jour. I think Thomas is passe' and he's on to....hmmm....Have to ask the sis about that.
That Bad Penny is on the chair mocking me...