Are you a yarn snob (do you prefer higher quality and/or natural fibers)? Do you avoid Red Heart and Lion Brand? Or is it all the same to you?I'm a snob, I guess. I just get the willies from most acrylic and its blends. It's like certain fabrics just feel weird to me. Same idea. That being said, I do use blends, but they can't be acrylicic/Squeaky, etc. Not a fan of scratchy or stiff fibers...unless they get very soft and non-scratchy post laundering. Being that I am new, I am still getting to know fiber characteristic and behaviors.
Do you spin? Crochet?I don;t do either but I REALLY want to learn to spin and dye. Eventually, I'd like to pick out an alpaca or sheep and start the process from there. But, that is a while away. If I end up in the right climate with adequate time and property, I would love to own my own animals and a few spinning wheels.
Do you have any allergies? (smoke, pets, fibers, perfume, etc.)I am allergic to smoke, dairy, lilacs and really dislike bananas. (smell aversion!) LOL
How long have you been knitting?Since Jan 2005
Do you have an Amazon or other online wish list?No, but IÂll make one up and post it to my blog :)
What's your favorite scent? (for candles, bath products etc.)Citrus (orange, tangerine)is invigorating and clean. Light and clean scents are best. I don't wear much perfume in case others are sensitive to it.
Do you have a sweet tooth?Well, I occasionaision like to indulge. I like dark chocolate and milk chocolate. No cherry cordials, though. Ugh!
What other crafts or Do-It-Yourself things do you like to do?At the moment I don't have much time so it is limited to knitting and maybe spinning soon. Eventually, I will get into stained glass, glass blowing and pottery. Blown glass/art glass is a big interest of mine :) I'm about 1.5 hours from Corning Museum of glass and will eventually take lessons. Books on art glass from favorite artists like Lino Tagliapietra, Dante Moroni, Dale Chihuly, etc. would be great.
I like interesting and easy ethnic recipes and have an interest in acupuncture and chiropractic.
What kind of music do you like? Can your computer/stereo play MP3s? (if your buddy wants to make you a CD)I like most music that is not to any extreme. No super twangy country, hardcore rap, head banging heavy metal, or opera. I tend to listen to fusion type music than blends together different things. Like Indie music, Carlos Santana, etc. And yes, homemade CDs are great :)
What's your favorite color? Or--do you have a color family/season/palette you prefer? Any colors you just can't stand? ItÂs easier to say what I avoid/hate. I don't like green other than celery or deep, dark green maybe some olives. I also am not a fan of yellow. Both of these shades look TERRIBLE against my olive skin...lol I think if you stay away from yellow, green and yellow-orange, yellowed-toned colors, you should be fine.
What is your family situation? Do you have any pets?I have two cats in a small apartment at the moment. I will be moving and expanding to a house in the next two years.
What are your life dreams? (really stretching it here, I know)To be able to enjoy all that I have worked so hard to achieve and help as many folks as I can. House on a lake with my hubby and family including a bunch of animals anf lots of travelling the world.
What is/are your favorite yarn/s to knit with?I'm still new to most fibers so I really don't have a "favorite" yet. But it's safe to say that I like natural fibers and would love to try weird fiber like bamboo, etc. I just donÂt see a need to knit with scratchy fibers or with very bulky either as I'm always running in the hot side.
What fibers do you absolutely *not* like?See #1 and 7
What is/are your current knitting obsession/s?Hmmm...summer light short sleeve tops I can wear this summer. Unfortunately I still need help with sleeves, armholes, etc. I'm a bit of a practical knitter...knit what I need.
What is/are your favorite item/s to knit?Don't have a favorite one yet.
What are you knitting right now?Summer top, baby cardigan, lace shawl and a scarf.
What do you think about ponchos?I'll probably make one of those rectangular ones but really I wish they would just go away!
Do you prefer straight or circular needles? Circular, please. I'm seriously thinking of changing over to 40-47" circs (Addi, Addi natura, or Inox Express...have not completely decided which)
Bamboo, aluminum, plastic?bamboo because I'm a new knitter, but have tried Addi-like inoz express and like them too.
Are you a sock knitter?Have not tried yet, but will after this projects are complete.
How did you learn to knit?Italian Grandmother when I was 13. I dropped it a few months later. A classmate retaught me in Jan 2005 and have been going strong ever since. IÂm hooked.
How old is your oldest UFO?1.5 months
What is your favorite animated character or a favorite animal/bird?Sebastian the crab from the Little Mermaid.
What is your favorite holiday?Chrsitmas and Halloween (gets the creative costume juices going)
Is there anything that you collect?No, but I will begin collecting art glass as soon as I am settled into a house. I want to buy direct from the artisans.
What knitting magazine subscriptions do you have?IK so far.
Any books out there you are dying to get your hands on?I don't really have time for leisurely reading. Sad, but true. But I generally like books on travel and learning about interesting places I may someday go to.