Such a wonderful pattern, but I needed to keep away from it for a few weeks due to shear frogging frustration. But it has gotten better. I only messed up twice and it took me about two hours. But, just as I was congratulating myself for a job well done, what do you think caught my eye? A little pesky lost stitch about 4 rows down. Not having a needle handy to immediately secure it in place, I put a piece of tape over it to be dealt with later. Very Scarlet O'Hara of me, I know, but why ruin a good knitting groove!
I was going to say when I think I may be done with this project, but every time I estimate, I'm ALWAYS behind schedule. Therefore, this project will be finished Wheneva ;)
The color is not quite right onscreen. It is a more of an olive.
In other news, I also placed an order for some custom handpainted yarn. I'll divulge the details when it gets excited!